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Did you know by 3 years old 80% of dogs will have some level of dental disease!

Periodontal disease can lead to gingivitis (gum inflammation) and periodontitis  (break down of jaw bone and soft tissue).

The toxic bacteria caused by plaque and tartar moves through the whole body as it enters the bloodstream, with no time this bacteria can lead to heart, kidney and/or liver damage reducing the life expectancy of our dogs.

Teeth Cleaning

From £15 per session dependant on teeth condition

Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning, silent and motionless tartar removal, for all dog sizes.  Keeps your dog’s teeth in great shape minimizing the need of visiting the vet for dental procedures such as removing tartar under the use of aesthetic.

Removes bacteria in your dogs mouth

Removes tartar & plague build up

Stress free & does not harm enamel

Good dental hygiene can help prolong life expectancy

Ultra sonic toothbrush - no sound or vibrations

Most dogs feel comfortable with the teeth cleaning however we have found that some dogs take time to get use to the toothbrush in their mouth. We suggest that your dog is introduced to the toothbrush before a schedule is agreed, we normally do this at a groom but can arrange for an initial visit.

Prevention Better Than Cure - We suggest that puppy's and younger dogs are introduced to teeth cleaning as soon as possible. To prevent dental disease and get them use to the process. Initial sessions can be added to their grooms to minimise the build up of plaque & tartar.

Plaque & Tartar Starting to Build up - To avoid dental work and any future health problems its best to start a teeth cleaning schedule to remove the build up. Dependant on how much of a build up it maybe a vet referral, a series of weekly initial treatments to remove or can be added on to their groom.

After Dental Work - To avoid further dental work a teeth cleaning schedule would benefit your dog. This would require maintenance sessions and can be added to your dogs groom.


Bay Pawz Grooming Services
Bay Pawz Grooming Services
Bay Pawz Grooming Services
Bay Pawz Grooming Services
Bay Pawz Grooming Services
Bay Pawz Grooming Services
Bay Pawz Grooming Services
Bay Pawz Grooming Services

Pricing Plans

Initial Session

40 minute session

3-4 weekly sessions to get teeth clean


Suitable for teeth that have a build up of tartar & plaque


£30 per session

£81.00 for 3 sessions bulk purchase

Maintenance Session

20 minute session

Every 4 - 8 weeks can be added to grooming schedule


Suitable for teeth that have little or no build up of tartar & plaque


£15 per session

£67.50 for 5 sessions bulk purchase

Puppy Session

20 minute session

Every 4-8 weeks can be added to grooming schedule


Suitable from 6 mths to 8 mths, to get use to teeth cleaning


£10 per session

£45.00 for 5 sessions bulk purchase

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